Specialist Services

By employing high quality staff and working with leading regional businesses, the firm has established areas of sector specific expertise that are second to none in the area...

Specialist Services photo

RNS is one of the largest independent firms of Chartered Accountants in North Lincolnshire, with a wealth of experience and expertise.

By employing high quality staff and working with leading regional businesses, the firm has established areas of sector specific expertise that are second to none in the area.

Property development

We act for several regional property developers both large and small and have helped them maximise their profits and minimise their taxes during times of the housing boom. During the slow-down in the housing market, we have helped to plan for the future, ensuring a steady and strong revenue stream.

Social clubs

"Clubland" is a strong and vigorous business sector. Social clubs are well supported by their members, but in times of increasing regulation and pressure on prices at the bar, many clubs have benefited from our helping hand. Performing profitability reviews and helping committees get strategic plans in place to safeguard the long-term future of their club.


Historically, North Lincolnshire has always been a strong agricultural area. With the ever-changing regulation from the EU and price-pressure on the growers from the big supermarket chains, an experienced and specialised accounts and tax advisor is now a necessity for a farmer. Our Brigg office team, advise many farmers and suppliers into the agricultural sector, providing up to the minute advice on agricultural, financial issues.

Sports clubs

Sports clubs are becoming increasingly regulated. These regulations, together with HM Revenue & Customs growing interest in how these businesses are operated means that pro-active tax and financial advice is essential. We help sport clubs comply with the ever-changing tax legislation, keeping them up to date and providing advice to the directors or committee members on important, topical matters.

Chartered Surveyors/Estate Agents

With ever-changing accounting rules from their regulatory bodies together with the impact of the Money Laundering regulations, it has never been more important for these businesses to receive high, quality advice. We specialise in providing accurate, relevant and commercial advice to local and regional businesses in this sector.

Indirect taxation

Though not a business sector in itself, VAT can impact on almost all businesses. It has evolved into a complex and demanding tax, which businesses ignore at their peril. The ever widening scope of VAT and the constant stream of detailed changes call for specialist VAT advice to ensure that you do not fall foul of the regulations, you obtain all the reliefs to which you are entitled and only pay the VAT that you are legally required to pay.

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 01724 842713. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.

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